Specialist Areas Of Financial Advice and Management

Specialist advice for specific occupations or circumstances

There are many occasions when specialist financial advice and financial coaching is essential.

It maybe that your circumstances attract different financial rules, or your career path is unusual, you may want to protect around divorce implications or you are looking for specialist investment criteria, overseas investment options, life planning or different life stages.

We have collated a nationwide network of bespoke specialists, and we can access these people on your behalf, they will provide you with advice that is not readily available or accessible through a standard or local IFA firm.

Use the app below to identify your requirements, we will then link you with a specialist who can help you..

Specialist advice for:

  • Company Directors
  • Business Owners

  • Sports Professionals
  • Science Professionals

  • Medical Professionals
  • Property Landlords
  • City Professionals
  • Senior Leadership Teachers
  • Healthcare Professionals

  • Pilots
  • Vets
  • Ex-Pats
  • IT Contractors
  • Retirees
  • Windfall Investments
You can be assured of the utmost level of confidentiality and discretion.
You can be assured of the utmost level of confidentiality and discretion.
All our advisers are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
We focus on the expertise of the adviser first, so you get the advice that is right for you.
We offer professional services backed by extensive experience.
Before carrying out any chargeable work on your behalf, all advisers are legally required to explain their fees.

NewWave is fast becoming the trusted way of sourcing premier wealth management advice.

NewWave provides you with the peace of mind and assurance that the wealth management advice you receive is going to be provided by world class, qualified advisers who have the necessary experience in key wealth management skills.

High quality financial advisers spend many years studying and working with clients to become proficient and assured in wealth management and financial advice. We encourage all users to double check any advisers’ credentials using the FCA web site search.

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